Q: Who is eligible to join the club?

A: The club membership is limited to active and former members of the Nassau County Highway Patrol Bureau, active and former members of the Nassau County Police Department, members of local village, city, town and county Police and Law Enforcement departments, their family and friends.

Q: What does it cost to join the club and what is the annual dues?

A: There is a one-time initiation fee of $100.00 to join the club. This fee cannot be used to pay for any club events or outings. There are no annual dues or assessments after that, you only pay for the rounds of golf you play.

Q: I don’t qualify for any of those, can I still play with the club?

A: We welcome non-members to join us at club events. Non-members will pay a slightly higher green fee than club members, but must understand that club members will always be given preference in attending club events (should there be a limited number of spots available) and in the choice of tee times. Non-members may participate in the closest to the pin contest. If a guest expresses interest in joining the club, they will probably form a friendship with a club member, who can sponsor that guest for club membership.